Monday, May 12, 2008

8th Month of Pregnancy

Not too much to say, really. Just slowing down and eating more, oh, and sleeping more. I've been away from home since March 29th. From EcoVillage Training Center at the Farm in TN to the in-laws in Massachusetts, "what a long, strange trip it's been." We leave to head home tomorrow and will arrive Thursday the 15th, just in time for Jason to play Ultimate Frisbee (hope the weather is good).

I have a little shopping to do for my baby shower, which is Saturday. I want to get some supplies to make a friendship baby quilt. I am thinking of butterflies...

So this is my 34th week of pregnancy, and all that is on my mind are plans for when I get home.

So let me indulge!
Clean the house
Purchase any necessary baby stuff
Set up laundry room and bedroom
Install doors on wardrobes
Need 2nd clothesline
Sew, sew, sew!
Do laundry
Stock pantry
Do photo albums
Read my books
Update my blogs
Thankyou cards, and Prepare Announcements

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Blue Roof

Well, I haven't been home lately, but I did happen to stop by my house on my way up North. So, Jason got the blue metal roof on! This shed is HUGE! When we get back home, he'll order the wood for the board and batten walls. He thinks he'll be "bug tight" in a month (even if it's plastic windows).

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

One Month at The Farm, and 3 Weeks Visiting Family

Well, before I decide to dive into a thorough report of my experiences at the EcoVillage Training Center on The Farm, I want to just take a brief look at things.

I learned about:
organic gardening
world political issues
natural building techniques
vegetarian cooking
community living
solar power
grey water systems
ticks and deer

It was so easy to make friends, and good ones too! I was surprised with all the open minds and hearts. There must be so many people who care and love Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. I am very excited and reinvigorated to pursue with my husband our dreams.

More to come!