Zachary was born June 1, at 2:02am Sunday morning... in my bathroom! This was not the romantic homebirth I had envisioned, but is was at home nonetheless. My contractions started at 11:30pm Saturday, I hit minute long contractions around 1:30 am, and at 2am I was squatting and Jason was ready to catch! What a miracle! Zachary came out and cried immediately. Jason put him on my chest, and the ambulance arrived moments later. They cut the cord and we were transported to our local hospital.
Zach came at 36 weeks, so he was premature. 5lbs 3oz., 18.5 inches long.
So, now, he is 2 weeks old, breastfeeding like the boobie monster he is, and is over 5 and half pounds!
Our life has been completely revamped, but for the better. Who knows what will come about. Major "life" issues are in the forefront of our discussions, of course. What's important, what are our goals, etc...? Exciting and scary! After paying off our mortgage last month, anything is possible.
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